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Analog & Digital transmissions - Sorted by name - Most recent updates: 2024-09-28 22:46 CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
19.2°E 1Astra 1M 10817.50V56Astra 1MDVB-S28PSK22000 2/3ASTRA 1, 42.6 Mb/s 11056 KingOfSat charts update form
TEST COPA Movistar+ Nagravision 3 29956 160 80 esp
81 vo 
1030  160    2024-09-28
19.2°E 2Astra 1M 11973.00V78Astra 1MDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4MTV Networks 19.2East, 38 Mb/s 11078 KingOfSat charts update form
MTV HD AT MTV Networks Viaccess 5.0
Viaccess 6.0
28655 3041 3042 ger
3043 ger
3044 eng 
315  3041    2024-09-28
28.2°E 1Astra 2E 12363.00V34U.K.DVB-S28PSK27500 2/353.2 Mb/s 22034 KingOfSat charts update form
Sports Active Sky Digital Clear 5453   2308 eng  270  8191    2024-09-23
28.2°E 4Astra 2G 11265.00H107EuropeDVB-SQPSK27500 2/3ASTRA, 33.8 Mb/s 22107 KingOfSat charts update form
7219 Sky Digital VideoGuard 7219 2309 2310 eng
2311 nar 
257  2309  2312  2024-09-25
7220 Sky Digital VideoGuard 7220 2313 2315 nar
2314 eng 
259  2313  2316  2024-09-25
7221 Sky Digital VideoGuard 7221 2317 2319 nar
2318 eng 
260  2317  2320  2024-09-25
7222 Sky Digital VideoGuard 7222 2332 2333 nar
2321 eng 
261  2332  2334  2024-09-25
26.0°E 1Badr 8 11747.00V2EMENADVB-SQPSK27495 3/4Arabsat-JMC, 38 Mb/s 702301 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
MDLBEAST Radio BISS 263   4112 qaa  32  8190    2024-09-28
26.0°E 9Badr 8 12265.00H29NW AfricaDVB-S28PSK27500 2/35.5 kb/s 7028229 KingOfSat charts update form
TEST 1 OVERON Clear 701 711 712 eng
713 eng 
710  711    2024-09-23
TEST 2 OVERON Clear 702 721 722 eng
723 eng 
720  721    2024-09-23
TEST 3 OVERON Clear 703 731 732 eng
733 eng 
730  731    2024-09-23
TEST 4 OVERON Clear 704 741 742 eng
743 eng 
740  741    2024-09-23
Atuguba TV FFmpeg Clear 716 7161 7062 aac  7160  7161    2024-09-23
King 1 TV FFmpeg Clear 722 7221 7222 aac  7220  7221    2024-09-23
36.0°E 4Eutelsat 36D 11542.00VD4EurasiaDVB-S28PSK5750 2/311.4 Mb/s 13371 KingOfSat charts update form
Al-Husanya Radio KSCG Clear 4 310 259 ara  35  310    2024-09-28
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11727.00VEA1Sub-saharaDVB-S28PSK27500 2/353.2 Mb/s 87865416 KingOfSat charts update form
VAR 1 HD MCK Irdeto 2 1601 273 274 eng
281 eng 
272  273    2024-09-28
PREMLHD Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1603 305 306 eng
313 eng 
304  305    2024-09-28
VAR1PHD MCK Irdeto 2 1606 273 274 eng
281 eng 
352  273    2024-09-28
EIT Data MCK Clear 1608     190  8191    2024-09-28
HDgui MCK Clear 1609     400  8191    2024-09-28
PREMPHD Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1610 305 306 eng
313 eng 
512  305    2024-09-28
VAR 2 HD MCK Irdeto 2 1611 529 530 eng
537 eng 
528  529    2024-09-28
Var 1 HD MCK Irdeto 2 1613 273 274 eng
281 eng 
560  273    2024-09-28
Var 2 HD Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1614 529 530 eng
537 eng 
576  529    2024-09-28
LIGAPHD Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1615 545 546 eng
553 eng 
592  545    2024-09-28
VAR2PHD MCK Irdeto 2 1616 529 530 eng
537 eng 
608  529    2024-09-28
FOOT+HD MCK Irdeto 2 1617 625 626 eng
633 eng 
624  625    2024-09-28
FTB+HD Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1618 625 626
640  625    2024-09-28
PVOD MCK Irdeto 2 1659 7968 7969 eng
7970 eng 
768  8191    2024-09-28
PDC MCK Clear 1660     784  7937    2024-09-28
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11747.00HEA2Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865414 KingOfSat charts update form
Strng Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1403 305 306 eng  304  305    2024-09-28
VAR 1 Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1404 321 322 eng
320  321    2024-09-28
HY7 Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1408 385 386  384  385    2024-09-28
VAR1P Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1413 321 322 eng
560  321    2024-09-28
Var 1 Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1414 321 322 eng
576  321    2024-09-28
CRICP Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1416 401 402 eng  608  401    2024-09-28
Ethio Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1451   849  848  849    2024-09-28
NXT R Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1452   854  853  854    2024-09-28
Ahadu Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1453   865  864  865    2024-09-28
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11766.00VEA3Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865419 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Ramog Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1912 545 546  544  545    2024-09-28
BBC c MCK Irdeto 2 1913 385 386 eng  560  385    2024-09-28
NICK MCK Irdeto 2 1914 529 530 eng  576  529    2024-09-28
36.0°E 17Eutelsat 36D 11785.00HEA4Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865502 KingOfSat charts update form
Famly Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 4012 545 546  544  545    2024-09-28
NGwld P Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 4015 321 322 eng  592  321  331  2024-09-28
SCity MCK Irdeto 2 4017 513 514  624  513    2024-09-28
NICKT MCK Irdeto 2 4018 337 338 eng  640  337    2024-09-28
36.0°E 6Eutelsat 36D 11804.00VEA5Sub-saharaDVB-S28PSK27500 2/3Enterprise DSTV Network, 53.2 Mb/s 87865417 KingOfSat charts update form
FB+ Dual Illum Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1710 273 274 eng
281 eng 
272  273    2024-09-28
FB+ Dual Illum P MCK Irdeto 2 1711 273 274 eng
281 eng 
288  273    2024-09-28
NG Guide Eng MCK Clear 1721     720  8191    2024-09-28
NG Data Eng MCK Clear 1722     726  8191    2024-09-28
NG CatVOD Eng MCK Clear 1723     723  8191    2024-09-28
ODS VOD Eng Multichoice Africa Clear 1724 906 905  740  906    2024-09-28
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11823.00HEA6Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865408 KingOfSat charts update form
MUNDL MCK Irdeto 2 810 513 514  512  513    2024-09-28
NAIJA MCK Irdeto 2 818 401 402  640  401    2024-09-28
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11843.00VEA7Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865418 KingOfSat charts update form
PlusA Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1801 273 274  272  273    2024-09-28
Liyu2 Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1802 289 290
288  289    2024-09-28
MLW Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1805 337 338  336  337    2024-09-28
VAR 4 Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1809 401 402 eng
400  401    2024-09-28
Max2P Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1812 369 370 por
371 eng 
544  369    2024-09-28
Var 4 Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1814 401 402 eng
576  401    2024-09-28
Tenis Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1815 321 322 eng  592  321    2024-09-28
TENSP Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1816 321 322 eng  608  321    2024-09-28
VAR4P Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1817 401 402 eng
32  401    2024-09-28
L2S Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1818 289 290
640  289    2024-09-28
WE7 Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1819 657 658  656  657    2024-09-28
36.0°E 10Eutelsat 36D 11862.00HEA8Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865407 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
MR7 MCK Irdeto 2 7008 385 386 eng  384  385  1099  2024-09-28
ZWS MCK Irdeto 2 7013 529 530 eng
560  529    2024-09-28
NG Guide CCA MCK Clear 7021     784  8191    2024-09-28
NG Data CCA MCK Clear 7022     800  8191    2024-09-28
36.0°E 63Eutelsat 36D 11881.00VEA9Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865415 KingOfSat charts update form
Symph MCK Irdeto 2 6001   1809  1808  1809    2024-09-28
Chamb MCK Irdeto 2 6002   1814  1813  1814    2024-09-28
A & O MCK Irdeto 2 6003   1825  1824  1825    2024-09-28
LiteC MCK Irdeto 2 6004   1830  1829  1830    2024-09-28
Beaut MCK Irdeto 2 6005   1841  1840  1841    2024-09-28
ContI MCK Irdeto 2 6006   1846  1845  1846    2024-09-28
Light MCK Irdeto 2 6007   1857  1856  1857    2024-09-28
ClasR MCK Irdeto 2 6008   1862  1861  1862    2024-09-28
HsPty MCK Irdeto 2 6009   1873  1872  1873    2024-09-28
Dance MCK Irdeto 2 6010   1878  1877  1878    2024-09-28
Y2K MCK Irdeto 2 6011   1889  1888  1889    2024-09-28
CampR MCK Irdeto 2 6012   1894  1893  1894    2024-09-28
HardR MCK Irdeto 2 6013   1905  1904  1905    2024-09-28
AltR MCK Irdeto 2 6014   1910  1909  1910    2024-09-28
TdayH MCK Irdeto 2 6015   1921  1920  1921    2024-09-28
PowrH MCK Irdeto 2 6016   1926  1925  1926    2024-09-28
UBeat MCK Irdeto 2 6017   1937  1936  1937    2024-09-28
GoldO MCK Irdeto 2 6018   1942  1941  1942    2024-09-28
'90s MCK Irdeto 2 6019   2049  2050  2049    2024-09-28
'70s MCK Irdeto 2 6020   2054  2053  2054    2024-09-28
80's MCK Irdeto 2 6021   2065  2064  2065    2024-09-28
R&B MCK Irdeto 2 6022   2070  2069  2070    2024-09-28
Love MCK Irdeto 2 6023   2081  2080  2081    2024-09-28
SoftH MCK Irdeto 2 6024   2086  2085  2086    2024-09-28
FamF MCK Irdeto 2 6025   2097  2096  2097    2024-09-28
AdulC MCK Irdeto 2 6026   2102  2101  2102    2024-09-28
urban MCK Irdeto 2 6027   2113  2112  2113    2024-09-28
SmthJ MCK Irdeto 2 6028   2118  2117  2118    2024-09-28
ClasJ MCK Irdeto 2 6029   2129  2128  2129    2024-09-28
Groov MCK Irdeto 2 6030   2134  2133  2134    2024-09-28
City MCK Irdeto 2 6031   2145  2144  2145    2024-09-28
Blues MCK Irdeto 2 6032   2150  2149  2150    2024-09-28
AfriR MCK Irdeto 2 6033   2161  2160  2161    2024-09-28
Trots MCK Irdeto 2 6034   2166  2165  2166    2024-09-28
Regga MCK Irdeto 2 6035   2177  2176  2177    2024-09-28
TradC MCK Irdeto 2 6036   2182  2181  2182    2024-09-28
Gospl MCK Irdeto 2 6037   2193  2192  2193    2024-09-28
ItalC MCK Irdeto 2 6038   2198  2197  2198    2024-09-28
MetrB MCK Irdeto 2 6039   2305  2304  2305    2024-09-28
FrenC MCK Irdeto 2 6040   2310  2309  2310    2024-09-28
ModnC MCK Irdeto 2 6041   2321  2320  2321    2024-09-28
ZIW MCK Irdeto 2 15001 273 274 por  272  273    2024-09-28
PRW MCK Irdeto 2 15004 321 322  320  321    2024-09-28
ONews MCK Irdeto 2 15006 353 354  352  353    2024-09-28
AfrN MCK Irdeto 2 15009 401 402 eng  400  401    2024-09-28
Mais Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 15010 513 514 por  512  513    2024-09-28
STaR MCK Irdeto 2 15013 561 562  560  561    2024-09-28
BBCen MCK Irdeto 2 15101   2326  2325  2326    2024-09-28
BBCfr MCK Irdeto 2 15102   2337  2336  2337    2024-09-28
BBCln MCK Irdeto 2 15103   2342  2341  2342    2024-09-28
CII Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 15104   2353  2352  2353    2024-09-28
TAR MCK Irdeto 2 15105   2358  2357  2358    2024-09-28
VOA MCK Irdeto 2 15106   2369  2368  2369    2024-09-28
WRN Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 15107   2374  2373  2374    2024-09-28
C25 MCK Irdeto 2 15108   391  2384  391    2024-09-28
C1S MCK Irdeto 2 15109   2385  2389  2385    2024-09-28
FANA MCK Irdeto 2 15110   2401  2400  8191    2024-09-28
Shger MCK Irdeto 2 15111   2406  2405  2406    2024-09-28
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11900.00HEA10Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865406 KingOfSat charts update form
CBS R Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 602 273 274 eng  288  273    2024-09-28
FOOT+ Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 603 305 306 eng
304  305    2024-09-28
LLIGA Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 609 401 402 eng
400  401    2024-09-28
TVE Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 610 513 514  512  513    2024-09-28
GRNDP Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 616 545 546 eng
608  545    2024-09-28
FTB+P Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 617 305 306 eng
624  305    2024-09-28
LIGAP Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 618 401 402 eng
640  401    2024-09-28
Grand Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 619 545 546 eng
656  545    2024-09-28
Blitz Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 620 385 386 eng  768  385    2024-09-28
36.0°E 26Eutelsat 36D 11919.00VEA11Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 5/6NAN b/s 87865434 KingOfSat charts update form
NTAN24 Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3401 111 112 eng  110  111    2024-09-28
EBS Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3404 141 142 eng  140  141    2024-09-28
Y254 Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3405 151 152 eng  150  151    2024-09-28
Wasfi Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3407 171 172 eng  170  171    2024-09-28
ABOL Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3408 181 182 eng  180  181  186  2024-09-28
KS7 Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3409 191 192 eng  190  191    2024-09-28
NewzA Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3411 211 212 eng  210  211    2024-09-28
Cloud Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3413 231 232 eng  230  231    2024-09-28
Abol Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3414 181 182 eng  240  181  186  2024-09-28
EB7 Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3415 141 142 eng  250  141    2024-09-28
FAW Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3416 221 222 eng  260  221    2024-09-28
Wasafi FM Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3451   331 eng  330  331    2024-09-28
KE9 Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3452   336 ger  335  336    2024-09-28
Peace Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3453   341 a02  340  341    2024-09-28
Y FM Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3454   346 a02  345  346    2024-09-28
JoyFM Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3455   351 eng  350  351    2024-09-28
Starr Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3456   361 ger  360  361    2024-09-28
AdmFM Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3457   366 ger  365  366    2024-09-28
KasFM Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3458   371 ger  370  371    2024-09-28
Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3459   376 ger  375  376    2024-09-28
Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3460   381 ger  380  381    2024-09-28
36.0°E 16Eutelsat 36D 11938.00HEA12Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865405 KingOfSat charts update form
NickJA Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 514 369 370 amh  576  369    2024-09-28
NICKJA Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 515 369 370 amh  592  369    2024-09-28
NICKJ MCK Irdeto 2 516 369 371 eng  608  369    2024-09-28
36.0°E 13Eutelsat 36D 11958.00VEA13Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865409 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
TELEM Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 909 369 372 por  384  369    2024-09-28
36.0°E 15Eutelsat 36D 11977.00HEA14Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865404 KingOfSat charts update form
E ! P MCK Irdeto 2 401 273 274  272  273  282  2024-09-28
BestB MCK Irdeto 2 406 353 354 eng  352  353    2024-09-28
AYVTV MCK Irdeto 2 411 529 530  528  529    2024-09-28
FOOD P Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 413 561 562 eng  560  561  570  2024-09-28
RFI Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 454   1042 fra  1040  1042    2024-09-28
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12015.00HEA16Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865403 KingOfSat charts update form
TV5T Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 306 353 354 eng  352  353    2024-09-28
Okapi Multichoice Africa Clear 308   386  384  8191    2024-09-28
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12034.00VEA17Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865413 KingOfSat charts update form
Akili Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1302 289 290  288  289    2024-09-28
Event5 MCK Irdeto 2 1303 305 306  304  305    2024-09-28
Sunna Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1304 321 322  320  321    2024-09-28
ETV N Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1305 337 338  336  337    2024-09-28
TeleM Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1306 353 354
352  353    2024-09-28
RealT MCK Irdeto 2 1307 369 370 eng  368  369    2024-09-28
DV7 MCK Irdeto 2 1308 385 386  384  385    2024-09-28
PBS K MCK Irdeto 2 1309 401 402 eng  400  401    2024-09-28
Lumen Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1313 561 562  560  561    2024-09-28
ET7 Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1314 337 338  576  337    2024-09-28
36.0°E 27Eutelsat 36D 12054.00HEA18Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865402 KingOfSat charts update form
MOTOR Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 202 289 290 eng
288  289    2024-09-28
RUGBY Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 203 305 306 eng  304  305    2024-09-28
VAR 2 Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 205 337 338 eng
336  337    2024-09-28
GOLF Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 208 385 386 eng  384  385    2024-09-28
OneZ Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 209 401 402
400  401    2024-09-28
FOOTB Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 212 545 546 eng
544  545    2024-09-28
ACT Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 215 593 594 eng
592  593    2024-09-28
FTBP Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 216 545 546 eng
608  545    2024-09-28
Var 2 Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 217 337 338 eng
624  337    2024-09-28
FootB Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 218 545 546 eng
640  545    2024-09-28
VAR2P Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 219 337 338 eng
656  337    2024-09-28
Motor Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 220 289 290 eng  768  289    2024-09-28
MOTOP Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 221 289 290 eng
784  289    2024-09-28
Act Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 222 593 594
800  593    2024-09-28
ACTP Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 223 593 594
816  593    2024-09-28
Rugby Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 224 305 306 eng  832  305    2024-09-28
RUGBP Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 225 305 306 eng  848  305    2024-09-28
GOLFP Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 227 385 386 eng  880  385    2024-09-28
MTV b Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 228 369 370  896  369    2024-09-28
PVRG MCK Clear 250     1130  8191    2024-09-28
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12073.00VEA19Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865411 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
GHW Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 2002 289 290 eng  288  289    2024-09-28
ESPNP Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 2014 305 306 eng  576  305    2024-09-28
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12440.00HEA38Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865503 KingOfSat charts update form
NTV Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 22003 305 306 eng  304  305    2024-09-28
SMART Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 22013 561 562  560  561    2024-09-28
TLN P MCK Irdeto 2 22016 513 515  608  513    2024-09-28
5.0°W 1Eutelsat 5 West B 11456.00HD1TransalpineDVB-S2QPSK2548 3/43.8 Mb/s 84424 KingOfSat charts update form
NRJ IDF towerCast_A Clear 21   211 fra  210  211    2024-09-28
7.0°W 1Eutelsat 7 West A 11257.61HC3MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/6EUTELSAT, 66.6 Mb/s 11016 KingOfSat charts update form
Basma Radio BasmaRadio Clear 460   1202 ara  560  1202    2024-09-26
8.0°W 25Eutelsat 8 West B 11179.00HBEM11MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/6d@)À, 66.6 Mb/s 191841100 KingOfSat charts update form
AL AMAL Clear 111   1112 ara  1110  1112    2024-09-28
TURKMENELI Radio Clear 125   1252  1250  8191    2024-09-28
MEDI1RADIO AFRIQUE Clear 126   1262 ara  1260  1262    2024-09-28
9.0°E 2Eutelsat 9B 11900.00HE10EuropeDVB-S28PSK27500 2/3EUTELSAT 9A, 53.2 Mb/s 1585900 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
RFM Senegal GFM Clear 102   1022 fra  1020  8191    2024-09-28
13.0°E 1Hot Bird 13F 11881.00V58WideDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Sky, 38 Mb/s 645115800 KingOfSat charts update form
BDL Service Sky Italia Clear 3695     5001  8191    2024-09-23
13.0°E 1Hot Bird 13G 10971.00H123EuropeDVB-S28PSK29700 2/3EUTELSAT 13 EAST, 57.5 Mb/s 31812300 KingOfSat charts update form
Test17205 SRG SSR Clear 17205 522 523 ger
524 eng
525 ger 
571  522  527  2024-09-28
57.0°E 1NSS 12 3798.00RWHR3West HemiDVB-S2QPSK19167 3/5BFBS, 983 b/s 173 KingOfSat charts update form
Quadrille Data BFBS Clear 8728     32  8191    2024-09-26
52.0°E 1TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 10762.00HD4EastDVB-S2QPSK30000 3/4WNS TP-D04, 44.6 Mb/s 44784478 KingOfSat charts update form
Radio Gal WNS Clear 37 3701 3702 aac  3700  3701    2024-09-24
52.0°E 15TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11221.00V101EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-A01, 27.2 Mb/s 94789478 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Afghanistan Intl Radio WNS Clear 23 2301 2302 afg  2300  2301    2024-09-28
52.0°E 13TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11344.00H-EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-D06, 27.2 Mb/s 74787478 KingOfSat charts update form
Afghanistan Intl Radio WNS Clear 51 5101 5102 afg  5100  5101    2024-09-28
42.0°E 1Turksat 3A 11180.00H24WestDVB-SQPSK29750 5/6Digital Platform, 45.7 Mb/s 4250600 KingOfSat charts update form
HM9504R Digitürk Clear 15533     51  8191    2024-09-27
42.0°E 1Turksat 3A 11558.00V5WestDVB-SQPSK30000 2/336.9 Mb/s 107030601 KingOfSat charts update form
SEMERKAND RADYO TURKSAT Clear 51013   6113 tur  2013  6113    2024-09-22
42.0°E 1Türksat 4A 12220.00H14EastDVB-SQPSK6500 3/4SHOW TV, 9 Mb/s 107041402 KingOfSat charts update form
HT SPOR INTERCOM HT SPOR INTERCOM BISS 11102   2202 tur  40  2202    2024-09-23
42.0°E 1Türksat 4A 12422.00H22EastDVB-SQPSK30000 3/42.7 kb/s 107042201 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
TURKSAT DATA Clear 50700     48  8191    2024-09-23
36.0°E 12Eutelsat 36D 11221.00HC1EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 2/358.1 Mb/s 155 KingOfSat charts update form
1 Arkhi Georgia Various Clear 4803 8031 8032
8033 geo 
8030  8031    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11345.00HC7EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 1245 KingOfSat charts update form
1 Arkhi Georgia Various Clear 133 8031 8032
8033 geo 
8030  8031    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 7Eutelsat 36D 11650.00VG6EurasiaDVB-SQPSK10000 3/4Global Link, 17.1 Mb/s 411 KingOfSat charts update form
1 TV Sport Georgia Sport Global Link TrophyAccess 100 191 192 aac geo  190  191    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 12Eutelsat 36D 11221.00HC1EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 2/358.1 Mb/s 155 KingOfSat charts update form
2 TV Georgia General BISS 4804 8041 8042
8043 geo 
8040  8041    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11345.00HC7EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 1245 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
2 TV Georgia General Clear 134 8041 8042 a00
8043 geo 
8040  8041    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 15TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11221.00V101EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-A01, 27.2 Mb/s 94789478 KingOfSat charts update form
247Box undefined Entertainment WNS Clear 5 501 502 aac far  500  501    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11345.00HC7EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 1245 KingOfSat charts update form
24Kitchen Bulgaria Cooking Overon Irdeto 2 119 2190 2191 eng  7219  2190    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 13TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11344.00H-EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-D06, 27.2 Mb/s 74787478 KingOfSat charts update form
4Music HD undefined Music WNS Clear 20 2001 2002 aac  2000  2001    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 15TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11221.00V101EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-A01, 27.2 Mb/s 94789478 KingOfSat charts update form
4U TV Iranian Iran General WNS Clear 24 2401 2402 aac far  2400  2401    2024-09-28 +
31.0°E 1Turksat 5A 10990.00H-Ku Europe 2DVB-S28PSK2480 5/6Ericsson, 6.1 Mb/s 655351 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
A Spor HD Turkey Sport Turkuvaz Teknik Clear 1 512 256 tur
32  512    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11823.00HEA6Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865408 KingOfSat charts update form
A+ France Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 817 609 610 fra  608  609    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12073.00VEA19Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865411 KingOfSat charts update form
Adom TV Ghana Various Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 2004 321 322  320  321    2024-09-28 +
8.0°W 25Eutelsat 8 West B 11179.00HBEM11MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/6d@)À, 66.6 Mb/s 191841100 KingOfSat charts update form
Afaq TV Iraq Religious Clear 133 1331 1332 eng  1330  1331    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 15TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11221.00V101EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-A01, 27.2 Mb/s 94789478 KingOfSat charts update form
Afghanistan International undefined News WNS Clear 15 1501 1502  1500  1501    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 13TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11344.00H-EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-D06, 27.2 Mb/s 74787478 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Afghanistan International undefined News WNS Clear 15 1501 1502 far  1500  1501    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 15TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11221.00V101EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-A01, 27.2 Mb/s 94789478 KingOfSat charts update form
Afghanistan International HD undefined News WNS Clear 4 401 402 aac far  400  401    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 13TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11344.00H-EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-D06, 27.2 Mb/s 74787478 KingOfSat charts update form
Afghanistan International HD undefined News Persiana Cast Clear 10 1001 1002 aac far  1000  1002    2024-09-28 +
Afghanistan Women TV Afghanistan General WNS Clear 52 5201 5202 aac  5200  5201    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11900.00HEA10Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865406 KingOfSat charts update form
Africa Magic Epic Movies South Africa Movies Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 607 369 370 eng  368  369    2024-09-28 +
Africa Magic Hausa South Africa Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 614 577 578  576  577    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 10Eutelsat 36D 11862.00HEA8Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865407 KingOfSat charts update form
Africa Magic Igbo South Africa Music Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 7006 353 354 eng  352  353    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11843.00VEA7Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865418 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Africa Magic Showcase Africa South Africa Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1811 529 530 eng  528  529  531  2024-09-28 +
Africa Magic Urban Movies South Africa Movies Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1810 513 514 eng  512  513    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11900.00HEA10Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865406 KingOfSat charts update form
Africa Magic Yoruba South Africa Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 613 561 562  560  561    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 13Eutelsat 36D 11958.00VEA13Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865409 KingOfSat charts update form
Afro Music Channel Portugal Music Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 912 417 419 por  416  417    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 17Eutelsat 36D 11785.00HEA4Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865502 KingOfSat charts update form
Afro Music Pop Portugal Music Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 4002 289 290 eng  288  289    2024-09-28 +
Afromusic Concerts Portugal Music MCK Irdeto 2 4016 289 290 eng  608  289    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 16Eutelsat 36D 11938.00HEA12Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865405 KingOfSat charts update form
AIT National Nigeria General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 503 305 306 eng  304  305    2024-09-28 +
26.0°E 2Badr 8 12303.00H31NW AfricaDVB-SQPSK27500 5/6ARABSAT, 42.2 Mb/s 7025231 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Akasanoma TV Ghana General Clear 42 3422 3421   342  3422    2024-09-26 +
36.0°E 1Eutelsat 36D 11586.00HD3EurasiaDVB-SQPSK2171 3/4Net 1 , 3 Mb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
Al Anbar undefined Various Net 1 Clear 1 512 4112 ara
256  512    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 16Eutelsat 36D 11938.00HEA12Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865405 KingOfSat charts update form

Al Jazeera English
Qatar News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 508 385 386 eng  384  385    2024-09-28 +
8.0°W 25Eutelsat 8 West B 11179.00HBEM11MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/6d@)À, 66.6 Mb/s 191841100 KingOfSat charts update form
Al Maaref Saudi Arabia Religious Clear 112 1121 1122 ara  1120  1121    2024-09-28 +
AL Mawqef undefined Various Service Provider Clear 132 1321 1322 ara  1320  1321    2024-09-28 +
Al Mohtadi TV undefined Various Clear 129 1291 1292 ara  1290  1291    2024-09-28 +
Al Naba TV undefined Various Clear 108 1081 1082 ara  1080  1081    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 1Eutelsat 36D 11105.00VB4EurasiaDVB-S28PSK3333 3/5Vislink , 5.9 Mb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
AL Rasheed TV HD United Arab Emirates General Net 1 Clear 1 404 100 ara
301  403    2024-09-28 +
8.0°W 25Eutelsat 8 West B 11179.00HBEM11MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/6d@)À, 66.6 Mb/s 191841100 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Al-Eshragh TV undefined Various Clear 106 1061 1062 ara  1060  1061    2024-09-28 +
Aljanub TV undefined Various Clear 105 1051 1052 eng  1050  1051    2024-09-28 +
Almajd General undefined Various Clear 122 1221 1222   1220  1221    2024-09-28 +
Alnaeem TV HD undefined Various Clear 110 1101 1102   1100  1101    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 1Eutelsat 36D 11597.00HD3EurasiaDVB-S28PSK1750 5/6SYR , 4.3 Mb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
Alyaum TV undefined Various SYR Clear 1 512 4112 ara  257  512    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 13TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11344.00H-EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-D06, 27.2 Mb/s 74787478 KingOfSat charts update form
AMC (Afghanistan) Afghanistan Entertainment WNS Clear 50 5001 5002 aac afg  5000  5001    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 13Eutelsat 36D 11958.00VEA13Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865409 KingOfSat charts update form
AMC Africa United Kingdom Movies Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 903 289 291 eng  288  289    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 1TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 10887.00V-EastDVB-SQPSK27500 2/3WNS TP-D09, 33.8 Mb/s 84788478 KingOfSat charts update form
Aryen TV undefined Various WNS Clear 19 1901 1902 aac  1900  1901    2024-09-25 +
36.0°E 1Eutelsat 36D 12691.00HH5EurasiaDVB-S28PSK1111 5/6assirat-ch, 2.8 Mb/s 655351 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Assirat TV Iran General alsirat Clear 1 110 111 esp  32  110    2024-09-28 +
8.0°W 25Eutelsat 8 West B 11179.00HBEM11MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/6d@)À, 66.6 Mb/s 191841100 KingOfSat charts update form
Atfal & Mawaheb undefined Various iKO Media Group Clear 128 1281 1282 ara  1280  1281    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 5Eutelsat 36D 11996.00VEA15Sub-saharaDVB-S28PSK27500 3/4n/a 87865410 KingOfSat charts update form
AXN HD United Kingdom Series Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1004 152 154 eng  150  152    2024-09-28 +
26.0°E 9Badr 8 12265.00H29NW AfricaDVB-S28PSK27500 2/35.5 kb/s 7028229 KingOfSat charts update form
Azusa TV Ghana General FFmpeg Clear 720 7201 7202 aac  7200  7201    2024-09-22 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11747.00HEA2Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865414 KingOfSat charts update form
B4U Movies India Movies Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1402 289 290 hin  288  289    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 15Eutelsat 36D 11977.00HEA14Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865404 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
BBC Brit South Africa United Kingdom Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 407 369 370 eng  368  369    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11766.00VEA3Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865419 KingOfSat charts update form
BBC Choice United Kingdom General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1908 385 386 eng  384  385    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 16Eutelsat 36D 11938.00HEA12Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865405 KingOfSat charts update form
BBC Lifestyle United Kingdom Lifestyle Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 505 337 338 eng  336  337    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 27Eutelsat 36D 12054.00HEA18Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865402 KingOfSat charts update form

BBC News
United Kingdom News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 206 353 354 eng  352  353    2024-09-28 +
26.0°E 1Es'hail 2 11310.00H-Eshail2DVB-S28PSK27500 2/354.5 Mb/s 2244010 KingOfSat charts update form
beIN Box Office 1 Turkey Pay per View beIN Clear 40115 461 462 eng
463 eng
464 eng 
460  461    2024-09-27 +
7.0°W 1Eutelsat 7 West A 12188.00H25MENADVB-S28PSK27500 2/3Network 1918, 54.5 Mb/s 1918500 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
beIN Box Office 3 Turkey Pay per View beIN Irdeto 2
2407 781 782 ara
783 eng
784 ara 
780  781    2024-09-22 +
36.0°E 17Eutelsat 36D 11785.00HEA4Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865502 KingOfSat charts update form
BET on Jazz International United Kingdom Music Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 4008 385 386  384  385    2024-09-28 +
BET U.K. United Kingdom Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 4008 385 386  384  385    2024-09-28 +
Bloomberg Africa U.S.A. Business Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 4007 369 370 eng  368  369    2024-09-28 +
16.0°E 1Eutelsat 16A 11231.00VC02Europe ADVB-S2QPSK42000 5/6Total TV Network, 69.5 Mb/s 36640200 KingOfSat charts update form
BN TV HD Bosnia and Herzegovina General Total TV Irdeto 2
782 52 51 ser  182  52    2024-09-25 +
33.0°E 16Eutelsat 33F 11444.00H13HB8 EuropeDVB-S2
T2-MI, PLP 0
8PSK17500 3/4Dasto Semtel, 36.9 Mb/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
BN TV HD Bosnia and Herzegovina General Dasto Semtel Clear 4004 4097 4099  4096  4097    2024-09-28 +
28.2°E 1Astra 2G 11612.00H99EuropeDVB-SQPSK22000 5/633.8 Mb/s 22099 KingOfSat charts update form
BT Sport Mosaic
United Kingdom Sport Sky Digital VideoGuard 55420 2330 2332 eng
2331 eng 
260  2330    2024-09-23 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12440.00HEA38Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865503 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Bukedde TV Uganda General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 22009 401 402 eng  400  401    2024-09-28 +
34.5°W 6Intelsat 35 11558.00H-EuropeDVB-SQPSK14325 5/6Televisa Networks, 22 Mb/s 12341 KingOfSat charts update form
Canal de las Estrellas Mexico Entertainment Visat Viaccess 2.5
Viaccess 5.0
5 4176 4177 esp
4178 eng 
336  4176    2024-09-24 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11823.00HEA6Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865408 KingOfSat charts update form
Canal+ Cinéma Centre France Movies Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 808 385 386 fra  384  385    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 15Eutelsat 36D 11977.00HEA14Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865404 KingOfSat charts update form
Canal+ Horizons France General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 402 289 290 fra  288  289    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 17Eutelsat 36D 11785.00HEA4Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865502 KingOfSat charts update form
Canal+ Sport 1 France Sport Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 4001 273 274 fra  272  273    2024-09-28 +
26.0°E 9Badr 8 12265.00H29NW AfricaDVB-S28PSK27500 2/35.5 kb/s 7028229 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Cape TV Ghana General FFmpeg Clear 715 7151 7152 aac  7150  7151    2024-09-22 +
13.0°E 1Hot Bird 13F 12034.00V66WideDVB-S28PSK29900 3/4Sky, 65.1 Mb/s 645116600 KingOfSat charts update form
Cartoon Network +1 United Kingdom Children Sky Italia VideoGuard 11355 170 416 ita
1125  170  475  2024-09-23 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11900.00HEA10Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865406 KingOfSat charts update form
Cartoon Network Africa South Africa Children Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 604 321 322 eng  320  321    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 16Eutelsat 36D 11938.00HEA12Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865405 KingOfSat charts update form
Cartoonito United Kingdom Children Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 506 353 354 por  352  353    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12015.00HEA16Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865403 KingOfSat charts update form
CBS Justice United Kingdom Real TV Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 314 577 578 eng  576  577    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11900.00HEA10Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865406 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
CBS Reality Africa U.S.A. Real TV Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 601 273 274  272  273    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 16Eutelsat 36D 11938.00HEA12Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865405 KingOfSat charts update form
CCTV 4 China General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 502 289 290 eng  288  289    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12073.00VEA19Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865411 KingOfSat charts update form
CCTV F China General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 2005 337 338  336  337    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 16Eutelsat 36D 11938.00HEA12Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865405 KingOfSat charts update form
CGTN China News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 501 273 274  272  273    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12034.00VEA17Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865413 KingOfSat charts update form
CGTN Documentary China Documentaries Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1312 545 546  544  545    2024-09-28 +
28.2°E 4Astra 2E 10714.25H41U.K.DVB-SQPSK22000 5/6ASTRA, 33.8 Mb/s 22041 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Channel 4 London +1
United Kingdom General Sky Digital Clear 9251 2305 2306 eng
2307 nar 
268  2305  2308  2024-09-24 +
Channel 4 South & East +1
United Kingdom General Sky Digital Clear 9255 2310 2311 eng
2316 nar 
269  2310  2312  2024-09-24 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12440.00HEA38Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865503 KingOfSat charts update form
Channel 44 Uganda Religious Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 22008 385 386 eng  384  385    2024-09-28 +
Channels TV Nigeria General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 22011 529 530 eng  528  529    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11823.00HEA6Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865408 KingOfSat charts update form
Cine+ Star
France Movies Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 801 273 274 fra  272  273    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 10Eutelsat 36D 11862.00HEA8Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865407 KingOfSat charts update form
Citizen TV Kenya General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 7004 321 322 eng  320  321    2024-09-28 +
34.5°W 6Intelsat 35 11558.00H-EuropeDVB-SQPSK14325 5/6Televisa Networks, 22 Mb/s 12341 KingOfSat charts update form
Clásico TV Mexico Entertainment Visat Viaccess 2.5
Viaccess 5.0
1 4112 4113 esp
4114 eng 
272  4112    2024-09-24 +
36.0°E 63Eutelsat 36D 11881.00VEA9Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865415 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Clouds TV Tanzania Entertainment MCK Irdeto 2 15011 529 530 eng  528  529    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11747.00HEA2Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865414 KingOfSat charts update form
CNBC Africa U.S.A. Business Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1407 369 370 eng  368  369    2024-09-28 +
CNN International U.S.A. News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1411 529 530 eng  528  529    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11766.00VEA3Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865419 KingOfSat charts update form
Comedy Central Africa South Africa Comedy Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1905 337 338 eng  336  337    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11747.00HEA2Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865414 KingOfSat charts update form
Cricket One India Sport Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1409 401 402 eng  400  401    2024-09-28 +
Cricket One India Sport Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1415 401 402 eng  592  401    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 16Eutelsat 36D 11938.00HEA12Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865405 KingOfSat charts update form
CuriosityStream U.S.A. Various Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 511 529 530 eng  528  529    2024-09-28 +
Daystar TV Network U.S.A. Religious Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 509 401 402 eng  400  401    2024-09-28 +
34.5°W 6Intelsat 35 11558.00H-EuropeDVB-SQPSK14325 5/6Televisa Networks, 22 Mb/s 12341 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
De Pelicula Mexico Movies Visat Viaccess 2.5
Viaccess 5.0
4 4160 4161 esp
4162 eng 
320  4160    2024-09-24 +
8.0°W 25Eutelsat 8 West B 11179.00HBEM11MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/6d@)À, 66.6 Mb/s 191841100 KingOfSat charts update form
Dijlah Zaman HD Iraq Various Clear 131 1311 1312 ara  1310  1311    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 5Eutelsat 36D 11996.00VEA15Sub-saharaDVB-S28PSK27500 3/4n/a 87865410 KingOfSat charts update form
Discovery Channel HD Middle-East & Africa United Kingdom Documentaries Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1001 122 124 eng  120  122    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11766.00VEA3Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865419 KingOfSat charts update form
Discovery Channel Middle-East & Africa U.S.A. Documentaries Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1907 369 370  32  369    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 16Eutelsat 36D 11938.00HEA12Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865405 KingOfSat charts update form
Discovery Family U.S.A. Documentaries Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 504 321 322 eng  320  321    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11843.00VEA7Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865418 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Dish on TV promo undefined Presentations Multichoice Africa Clear 1803 305 306 eng  304  305    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11345.00HC7EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 1245 KingOfSat charts update form
Disney Channel Greece Greece Children EDML Irdeto 2 107 2070 2071 eng
2072 gre
2073 ara 
7007  2070    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 27Eutelsat 36D 12054.00HEA18Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865402 KingOfSat charts update form
Disney Channel South Africa South Africa Children Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 213 561 562 eng  560  561    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11747.00HEA2Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865414 KingOfSat charts update form
Disney Cinemagic United Kingdom Children Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1405 337 338  336  337    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11345.00HC7EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 1245 KingOfSat charts update form
Disney Jr. Central Europe Czech republic Children EDML Irdeto 2 106 2060 2061 eng
2062 tur
2063 pol
2064 rom
2065 gre
2066 ara
2067 bul 
7006  2060  2069  2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11747.00HEA2Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865414 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Disney Junior South Africa South Africa Children Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1406 353 354 eng  352  353    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12073.00VEA19Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865411 KingOfSat charts update form
Dove TV (Nigeria) Nigeria Religious Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 2012 545 546  544  545    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 13Eutelsat 36D 11958.00VEA13Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865409 KingOfSat charts update form
DSTV Kids South Africa Children Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 914 449 451 por  448  449    2024-09-28 +
8.0°W 25Eutelsat 8 West B 11179.00HBEM11MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/6d@)À, 66.6 Mb/s 191841100 KingOfSat charts update form
Dua Channel undefined Various Telespazio Clear 107 1071 1072  1070  1071    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 15Eutelsat 36D 11977.00HEA14Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865404 KingOfSat charts update form
E! Entertainment TV
United Kingdom Lifestyle Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 403 273 274  784  273    2024-09-28 +
28.2°E 4Astra 2E 10714.25H41U.K.DVB-SQPSK22000 5/6ASTRA, 33.8 Mb/s 22041 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
E4 +1
United Kingdom Entertainment Sky Digital Clear 9260 2317 2319 nar
2318 eng 
272  2317  2322  2024-09-24 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12073.00VEA19Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865411 KingOfSat charts update form
ESPN Africa South Africa Sport Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 2003 305 306 eng  304  305    2024-09-28 +
8.0°W 25Eutelsat 8 West B 11179.00HBEM11MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/6d@)À, 66.6 Mb/s 191841100 KingOfSat charts update form
Etihad TV Lebanon General Clear 101 1011 1012  1010  521    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12015.00HEA16Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865403 KingOfSat charts update form
Euronews English France News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 302 289 290 eng  288  289    2024-09-28 +
Euronews French France News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 304 321 322 fra  320  321    2024-09-28 +
Euronews German France News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 310 513 514 ger  512  513    2024-09-28 +
Euronews Portuguese France News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 312 545 546 por  544  545    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12034.00VEA17Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865413 KingOfSat charts update form
EWTN Africa & India U.S.A. Religious Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1311 529 530  528  529    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 26Eutelsat 36D 11919.00VEA11Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 5/6NAN b/s 87865434 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Fana TV Ethiopia General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3412 221 222 eng  220  221    2024-09-28 +
28.2°E 4Astra 2E 10714.25H41U.K.DVB-SQPSK22000 5/6ASTRA, 33.8 Mb/s 22041 KingOfSat charts update form
Film4 +1
United Kingdom Movies Sky Digital Clear 9261 2325 2343 nar
2324 eng 
274  2325  2344  2024-09-24 +
36.0°E 15Eutelsat 36D 11977.00HEA14Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865404 KingOfSat charts update form
Food Network
United Kingdom Cooking Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 415 561 562 eng  848  561  570  2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 7Eutelsat 36D 11650.00VG6EurasiaDVB-SQPSK10000 3/4Global Link, 17.1 Mb/s 411 KingOfSat charts update form
Football TV Georgia Sport Global Link TrophyAccess 50 241 242 aac geo  240  241    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 12Eutelsat 36D 11221.00HC1EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 2/358.1 Mb/s 155 KingOfSat charts update form
Fox HD Russia Russia Entertainment Irdeto 2 1002 2131 2132 aac rus
2133 aac eng 
2130  2131    2024-09-28 +
FOX Life HD Russia Russia Entertainment Irdeto 2 1004 7261 7262 aac eng
7263 aac rus 
2120  7261    2024-09-28 +
Fox Life Russia Russia Series Irdeto 2 1003 7221 7222 aac eng
7223 aac rus 
2110  7221    2024-09-28 +
Fox Russia Russia Series Irdeto 2 1001 2141 2142 aac rus
2143 aac eng 
2140  2141    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11823.00HEA6Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865408 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
France 2
France General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 802 289 290 fra  288  289    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12034.00VEA17Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865413 KingOfSat charts update form
France 24 (in English)
France News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1310 513 514 fra  512  513    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 15TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11221.00V101EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-A01, 27.2 Mb/s 94789478 KingOfSat charts update form
FX 3 undefined Entertainment WNS Clear 1 101 102 aac far  100  101    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11345.00HC7EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 1245 KingOfSat charts update form
FX HD Greece Greece Entertainment Overon Irdeto 2 103 400 410 eng
411 gre 
712  400  422  2024-09-28 +
FX Life HD Greece Greece Entertainment Overon Irdeto 2 104 1900 1910 eng
1911 gre 
711  1900  1922  2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 17Eutelsat 36D 11785.00HEA4Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865502 KingOfSat charts update form
Ghana TV Ghana General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 4006 353 354 eng  352  353    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 7Eutelsat 36D 11650.00VG6EurasiaDVB-SQPSK10000 3/4Global Link, 17.1 Mb/s 411 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
GMS TV Georgia Sport Global Link Clear 10 101 102 geo  100  101    2024-09-28 +
33.0°E 16Eutelsat 33F 11444.00H13HB8 EuropeDVB-S2
T2-MI, PLP 0
8PSK17500 3/4Dasto Semtel, 36.9 Mb/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
GRTVIS Bosnia and Herzegovina General Dasto Semtel Clear 4019 4177 4179 bos  4176  4177    2024-09-28 +
Hercegovacka TV Bosnia and Herzegovina General Dasto Semtel Clear 4015 4241 4243 bos  4240  4241    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12015.00HEA16Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865403 KingOfSat charts update form
HIP TV Nigeria General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 309 401 402 eng  400  401    2024-09-28 +
HIP TV Nigeria General MCK Irdeto 2 316 401 402 eng  608  401    2024-09-28 +
33.0°E 16Eutelsat 33F 11444.00H13HB8 EuropeDVB-S2
T2-MI, PLP 0
8PSK17500 3/4Dasto Semtel, 36.9 Mb/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
Hit TV BH Bosnia and Herzegovina Entertainment Dasto Semtel Clear 4010 4161 4163 bos  4160  4161    2024-09-28 +
8.0°W 25Eutelsat 8 West B 11179.00HBEM11MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/6d@)À, 66.6 Mb/s 191841100 KingOfSat charts update form
Hod Hod undefined Children Clear 104 1041 1042 ara  1040  1041    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 1TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 10804.00H-EastDVB-SQPSK27500 2/3WNS TP-D06, 33.8 Mb/s 74787478 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Home+ HD undefined Entertainment Persiana Cast Clear 10 1001 1002 aac far  1000  1001    2024-09-23 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12015.00HEA16Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865403 KingOfSat charts update form
France Sport Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 303 305 306 fra  304  305    2024-09-28 +
68.5°E 4Intelsat 20 (IS-20) 4013.00VLM12CCDVB-S28PSK7200 3/4{90DDA122-D72A-44F4-8716-F5971397DE05}, 2.1 kb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
Insync India Various Harmonic Clear 1000 1001 1002  1000  1001    2024-09-22 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11766.00VEA3Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865419 KingOfSat charts update form
Investigation Discovery Africa South Africa Documentaries Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1903 305 306  304  305    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 15TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11221.00V101EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-A01, 27.2 Mb/s 94789478 KingOfSat charts update form
Iran Film HD undefined Movies WNS Clear 27 2701 2702 aac far  2700  2701    2024-09-28 +
Iran TV Network U.S.A. General WNS Clear 3 301 302 aac far  300  301    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 17Eutelsat 36D 11785.00HEA4Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865502 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Islam Channel United Kingdom Religious Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 4011 529 530 eng  528  529    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 13Eutelsat 36D 11958.00VEA13Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865409 KingOfSat charts update form
JimJam EMEA United Kingdom Children Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 904 305 307 eng  304  305    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12015.00HEA16Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865403 KingOfSat charts update form
JimJam EMEA United Kingdom Children Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 301 273 274 eng  272  273    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12034.00VEA17Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865413 KingOfSat charts update form
JimJam EMEA United Kingdom Children Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1301 273 274 por  272  273    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12073.00VEA19Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865411 KingOfSat charts update form
Joy News Ghana News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 2013 561 562  560  561    2024-09-28 +
Joy Prime Ghana Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 2006 353 354  352  353    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12440.00HEA38Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865503 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
K24 Kenya News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 22007 369 370 eng  368  369    2024-09-28 +
33.0°E 16Eutelsat 33F 11444.00H13HB8 EuropeDVB-S2
T2-MI, PLP 0
8PSK17500 3/4Dasto Semtel, 36.9 Mb/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
K3 (Bosnia) Bosnia and Herzegovina General Dasto Semtel Clear 4020 4129 4131 bos  4128  4129    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 4Eutelsat 36D 11542.00VD4EurasiaDVB-S28PSK5750 2/311.4 Mb/s 13371 KingOfSat charts update form
Karbala Documentary Iraq Documentaries KSCG Clear 5 309 258 ara  34  309    2024-09-28 +
Karbala TV HD Iraq Various KSCG Clear 1 308 256 ara  33  308    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12440.00HEA38Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865503 KingOfSat charts update form
KTN Kenya Kenya General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 22002 289 290 eng  288  289    2024-09-28 +
KTN News Kenya Kenya News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 22006 353 354 eng  352  353    2024-09-28 +
0.8°W 1Thor 6 10872.00HA12K1 NordicDVB-S28PSK25000 3/4Telenor, 55.7 Mb/s 7072 KingOfSat charts update form
Kuukauden kanava Finland Documentaries Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
17084 1547 3337 eng  984  1547    2024-09-26 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12073.00VEA19Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865411 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Lagos TV Nigeria General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 2011 529 530  528  529    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11727.00VEA1Sub-saharaDVB-S28PSK27500 2/353.2 Mb/s 87865416 KingOfSat charts update form
LaLigaTV HD United Kingdom Sport Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1612 545 296
546 eng
553 eng 
544  545    2024-09-28 +
8.0°W 1Eutelsat 8 West B 11137.00HBEM10MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/666.6 Mb/s 421 KingOfSat charts update form
Libya Almasar Libya General Clear 2720 7201 7202 ara  7200  7201    2024-09-28 +
8.0°W 25Eutelsat 8 West B 11179.00HBEM11MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/6d@)À, 66.6 Mb/s 191841100 KingOfSat charts update form
Libya Almustaqbal TV Libya Various Clear 102 1021 1022 aac eng  1020  1021    2024-09-28 +
Libya Business Libya Business Clear 121 1211 1212   1210  1211    2024-09-28 +
Lualua TV Bahrain Emirates Politics Clear 130 1301 1302   1300  1301    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 27Eutelsat 36D 12054.00HEA18Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865402 KingOfSat charts update form
M-Net East South Africa Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 201 273 274 eng
275 eng 
272  273  283  2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11747.00HEA2Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865414 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
M-Net Movies Action+ South Africa Movies Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1401 273 274 eng
275 eng 
272  273  282  2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11727.00VEA1Sub-saharaDVB-S28PSK27500 2/353.2 Mb/s 87865416 KingOfSat charts update form
M-Net Movies Premiere Africa East HD South Africa Movies Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1605 337 338 eng
345 eng 
336  337  362  2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 10Eutelsat 36D 11862.00HEA8Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865407 KingOfSat charts update form
M-Net Movies Zone South Africa Movies Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 7012 545 546 eng
547 eng 
544  545    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11727.00VEA1Sub-saharaDVB-S28PSK27500 2/353.2 Mb/s 87865416 KingOfSat charts update form
M-Net West HD South Africa Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1602 289 290 eng
297 eng 
288  289  298  2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 10Eutelsat 36D 11862.00HEA8Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865407 KingOfSat charts update form
Maisha Magic Bongo South Africa Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 7010 513 514 eng  512  513  522  2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11843.00VEA7Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865418 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Maisha Magic East South Africa Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1808 385 386 eng  384  385  394  2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 15TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11221.00V101EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-A01, 27.2 Mb/s 94789478 KingOfSat charts update form
MBC Persia HD United Arab Emirates Movies WNS Clear 28 2801 2802 eng  2800  2801    2024-09-28 +
8.0°W 25Eutelsat 8 West B 11179.00HBEM11MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/6d@)À, 66.6 Mb/s 191841100 KingOfSat charts update form
Medi 1 TV Afrique HD Morocco General Clear 124 1241 1242 ara  1240  1241    2024-09-28 +
Menhag Alnabowe undefined Various Clear 113 1131 1132  1130  1131    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 15TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11221.00V101EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-A01, 27.2 Mb/s 94789478 KingOfSat charts update form
Meraj TV undefined Various WNS Clear 26 2601 2602 aac far  2600  2601    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 63Eutelsat 36D 11881.00VEA9Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865415 KingOfSat charts update form
Mindset Learn South Africa Cultural Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 15002 289 290 eng  288  289    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 16Eutelsat 36D 11938.00HEA12Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865405 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
MITV Nigeria General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 510 513 514 eng  512  513    2024-09-28 +
19.2°E 1Astra 1M 10788.00V54Astra 1MDVB-SQPSK22000 5/6ASTRA 1, 33.8 Mb/s 11054 KingOfSat charts update form
Movistar Hitchcock Spain Movies Movistar+ Mediaguard 2
Nagravision 3
30358 161 84 esp
85 vo 
1032  5161  35  2024-09-24 +
52.0°E 15TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11221.00V101EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-A01, 27.2 Mb/s 94789478 KingOfSat charts update form
MTC U.S.A. General WNS Clear 18 1801 1802 aac far  1800  1801    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 27Eutelsat 36D 12054.00HEA18Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865402 KingOfSat charts update form
MTV Africa South Africa Music Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 210 513 514 eng  34  513    2024-09-28 +
MTV Base Africa U.S.A. Music Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 207 369 370 eng  368  369    2024-09-28 +
19.2°E 2Astra 1M 11973.00V78Astra 1MDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4MTV Networks 19.2East, 38 Mb/s 11078 KingOfSat charts update form
MTV HD Austria Austria Music HD +
MTV Networks
Sky Deutschland
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 5.0
28654 3041 3042 ger
3043 ger
3044 eng 
314  3041    2024-09-26 +
36.0°E 13Eutelsat 36D 11958.00VEA13Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865409 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
MTV Portugal Portugal Music Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 906 337 339 por  336  337    2024-09-28 +
33.0°E 16Eutelsat 33F 11444.00H13HB8 EuropeDVB-S2
T2-MI, PLP 0
8PSK17500 3/4Dasto Semtel, 36.9 Mb/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
N1 BiH Bosnia and Herzegovina General Dasto Semtel Clear 4007 4225 4227 bos  4224  4225    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 12Eutelsat 36D 11221.00HC1EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 2/358.1 Mb/s 155 KingOfSat charts update form
Nat Geo Wild Russia Russia Documentaries Irdeto 2 1007 2171 2172 aac rus
2173 aac eng 
2170  2171    2024-09-28 +
Nat Geo Wild Russia HD Russia Documentaries Irdeto 2 1008 2161 2162 aac rus
2163 aac eng 
2160  2161    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 17Eutelsat 36D 11785.00HEA4Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865502 KingOfSat charts update form
Nat Geo Wild South Africa South Africa Documentaries Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 4004 321 322 eng  320  321    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11345.00HC7EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 1245 KingOfSat charts update form
National Geographic Adria undefined Documentaries Overon Irdeto 2 118 2180 2181 eng  7218  2180    2024-09-28 +
National Geographic HD Greece Greece Documentaries VIVACOM Irdeto 2 105 500 510 aac eng  7005  500    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 13Eutelsat 36D 11958.00VEA13Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865409 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
National Geographic Portugal Portugal Documentaries Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 907 353 355 por  352  353    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 12Eutelsat 36D 11221.00HC1EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 2/358.1 Mb/s 155 KingOfSat charts update form
National Geographic Russia Russia Documentaries Irdeto 2 1005 2181 2182 aac rus
2183 aac eng
2184 aac ukr 
2180  2181    2024-09-28 +
National Geographic Russia HD Russia Documentaries Irdeto 2 1006 2151 2152 aac rus
2153 aac eng
2154 aac ukr 
2150  2151    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11900.00HEA10Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865406 KingOfSat charts update form
National Geographic South Africa South Africa Documentaries Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 606 353 354 eng  352  353    2024-09-28 +
26.0°E 9Badr 8 12265.00H29NW AfricaDVB-S28PSK27500 2/35.5 kb/s 7028229 KingOfSat charts update form
Navropio TV Ghana General FFmpeg Clear 718 7181 7182 aac  7180  7181    2024-09-22 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12073.00VEA19Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865411 KingOfSat charts update form
NBS (Uganda) Uganda Various Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 2007 369 370 eng  368  369    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 15Eutelsat 36D 11977.00HEA14Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865404 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
NDTV 24x7 India News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 408 385 386 eng  384  385    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 16Eutelsat 36D 11938.00HEA12Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865405 KingOfSat charts update form

NHK World Japan General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 512 545 546 eng  544  545    2024-09-28 +
Nick Jr Africa South Africa Children Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 507 369 371 eng  368  369    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11345.00HC7EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 1245 KingOfSat charts update form
Nick Jr Bulgaria Bulgaria Children DGB2 Irdeto 2 108 2080 2081 bul
2082 eng 
7008  2080    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 17Eutelsat 36D 11785.00HEA4Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865502 KingOfSat charts update form
Nick Toons Africa South Africa Children Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 4005 337 338 eng  336  337    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11766.00VEA3Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865419 KingOfSat charts update form
Nickelodeon Africa South Africa Children Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1911 529 530 eng  528  529    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11345.00HC7EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 1245 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Nickelodeon Bulgaria Bulgaria Children DGB2 Irdeto 2 102 2020 2021 bul
2022 eng 
7002  2020    2024-09-28 +
Nicktoons Bulgaria Bulgaria Children DGB2 Irdeto 2 109 2090 2091 bul  7009  2090    2024-09-28 +
33.0°E 16Eutelsat 33F 11444.00H13HB8 EuropeDVB-S2
T2-MI, PLP 0
8PSK17500 3/4Dasto Semtel, 36.9 Mb/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
Nova BH HD Bosnia and Herzegovina Entertainment Dasto Semtel Clear 4003 4273 4275  4272  4273    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11823.00HEA6Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865408 KingOfSat charts update form
Novelas TV France Series Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 807 369 370 fra  368  369    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 26Eutelsat 36D 11919.00VEA11Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 5/6NAN b/s 87865434 KingOfSat charts update form
NTA 2 Nigeria General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3402 121 122 eng  120  121    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 15Eutelsat 36D 11977.00HEA14Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865404 KingOfSat charts update form
NTA International Nigeria General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 409 401 402 eng  400  401    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 26Eutelsat 36D 11919.00VEA11Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 5/6NAN b/s 87865434 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
NTA Parliament Nigeria Politics Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3403 131 132 eng  130  131    2024-09-28 +
33.0°E 16Eutelsat 33F 11444.00H13HB8 EuropeDVB-S2
T2-MI, PLP 0
8PSK17500 3/4Dasto Semtel, 36.9 Mb/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
NTV Arena Bosnia and Herzegovina General Dasto Semtel Clear 4017 4321 4323 bos  4320  4321    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12440.00HEA38Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865503 KingOfSat charts update form
NTV Uganda Uganda General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 22004 321 322 eng  320  321    2024-09-28 +
33.0°E 16Eutelsat 33F 11444.00H13HB8 EuropeDVB-S2
T2-MI, PLP 0
8PSK17500 3/4Dasto Semtel, 36.9 Mb/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
O Kanal Bosnia and Herzegovina Various Dasto Semtel Clear 4001 4209 4211 bos  4208  4209    2024-09-28 +
O Kanal Bosnia and Herzegovina Various Dasto Semtel Clear 4005 4257 4259  4256  4257    2024-09-28 +
OBN Bosnia and Herzegovina General Dasto Semtel Clear 4006 4193 4195 bos  4192  4193    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11345.00HC7EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 1245 KingOfSat charts update form
Ohota & Rybalka Russia Documentaries Vivacom Irdeto 2 110 100 110 rus  7010  100    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 15TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11221.00V101EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-A01, 27.2 Mb/s 94789478 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Omid-E-Iran U.S.A. General WNS Clear 10 1001 1002 aac far  1000  1001    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12073.00VEA19Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865411 KingOfSat charts update form
Panda Kids Portugal Children MCK Irdeto 2 2001 273 274 por  272  273    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11747.00HEA2Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865414 KingOfSat charts update form
Pearl Magic Uganda Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1412 545 546 eng
547 eng 
544  545  554  2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 15TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11221.00V101EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-A01, 27.2 Mb/s 94789478 KingOfSat charts update form
Persian Music Channel United Arab Emirates Music WNS Clear 11 1101 1102 aac far  1100  1101    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 13TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11344.00H-EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-D06, 27.2 Mb/s 74787478 KingOfSat charts update form
Persiana Cinema undefined Movies Persiana Cast Clear 3 301 302 aac  300  301    2024-09-28 +
Persiana Comedy undefined Comedy Persiana Cast Clear 7 701 702 aac  700  701    2024-09-28 +
Persiana Family undefined Entertainment Persiana Cast Clear 1 101 102 aac far  100  101    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 15TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11221.00V101EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-A01, 27.2 Mb/s 94789478 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Persiana Fight HD undefined General WNS Clear 22 2201 2202 aac far  2200  2201    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 13TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11344.00H-EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-D06, 27.2 Mb/s 74787478 KingOfSat charts update form
Persiana Korea undefined General Persiana Cast Clear 24 2401 2402 aac  2400  2401    2024-09-28 +
Persiana Music undefined Music Persiana Cast Clear 13 1301 1302 far  1300  1301    2024-09-28 +
Persiana Nostalgia undefined Entertainment Persiana Cast Clear 14 1401 1402 aac  1400  1401    2024-09-28 +
Persiana Sonati undefined Various Persiana Cast Clear 23 2301 2302 aac  2300  2301    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11823.00HEA6Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865408 KingOfSat charts update form
France Children Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 811 529 530 fra  528  529    2024-09-28 +
France Documentaries Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 805 337 338 fra  336  337    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 26Eutelsat 36D 11919.00VEA11Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 5/6NAN b/s 87865434 KingOfSat charts update form
Pop Core Bulgaria Music Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3406 161 162 eng  160  161    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 12Eutelsat 36D 11221.00HC1EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 2/358.1 Mb/s 155 KingOfSat charts update form
POS TV Georgia Entertainment Custom Clear 4801 8011 8012 aac geo  8010  8111    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11345.00HC7EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 1245 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
POS TV Georgia Entertainment Custom Clear 131 8011 8012 aac  8010  8111    2024-09-28 +
33.0°E 16Eutelsat 33F 11444.00H13HB8 EuropeDVB-S2
T2-MI, PLP 0
8PSK17500 3/4Dasto Semtel, 36.9 Mb/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
ProTV Bosnia Bosnia and Herzegovina General Dasto Semtel Clear 4016 4337 4339 bos  4336  4337    2024-09-28 +
7.0°W 1Eutelsat 7 West A 10834.26VA8MENADVB-S2QPSK27500 3/440.9 Mb/s 33 KingOfSat charts update form
Qatar 2 Qatar General Qatar TV Clear 1 201 202 eng  200  201    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 4Eutelsat 36D 11542.00VD4EurasiaDVB-S28PSK5750 2/311.4 Mb/s 13371 KingOfSat charts update form
Quran TV Saudi Arabia Religious KSCG Clear 2 307 257 ara  32  307    2024-09-28 +
5.0°W 1Eutelsat 5 West B 12606.00VF4TransalpineDVB-S2
PLS: Gold+131070
T2-MI, PLP 0
Stream 5
35300 2/3Rai, 36.7 Mb/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
Rai Gulp HD Italy Children Rai Clear 1065 210 310 aac  115  210    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12015.00HEA16Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865403 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Raitalia 3 Africa Italy General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 305 337 338 ita  336  337    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 5Eutelsat 36D 11996.00VEA15Sub-saharaDVB-S28PSK27500 3/4n/a 87865410 KingOfSat charts update form
Record África HD Brazil General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1002 132 134 por
130  132    2024-09-28 +
34.5°W 6Intelsat 35 11558.00H-EuropeDVB-SQPSK14325 5/6Televisa Networks, 22 Mb/s 12341 KingOfSat charts update form
RitmoSon Latino Mexico Music Visat Viaccess 2.5
Viaccess 5.0
2 4128 4129 esp
4130 eng 
288  4128    2024-09-24 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11823.00HEA6Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865408 KingOfSat charts update form
Luxembourg General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 806 353 354 fra  352  353    2024-09-28 +
19.2°E 2Astra 1N 12031.50H81Pan EuropeDVB-S2QPSK27500 9/10BetaDigital, 49.2 Mb/s 1334 KingOfSat charts update form
RTL Sportsbar 1 Germany Sport Sky Deutschland VideoGuard 115 4863 4867 ger  123  4863    2024-09-23 +
RTL Sportsbar 2 Germany Sport Sky Deutschland VideoGuard 117 5375 5379 ger  116  5375    2024-09-23 +
36.0°E 13Eutelsat 36D 11958.00VEA13Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865409 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
RTP Africa Portugal General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 901 257 259 por  256  257    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 15Eutelsat 36D 11977.00HEA14Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865404 KingOfSat charts update form
RTP International Portugal General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 410 513 514  512  513  522  2024-09-28 +
33.0°E 16Eutelsat 33F 11444.00H13HB8 EuropeDVB-S2
T2-MI, PLP 0
8PSK17500 3/4Dasto Semtel, 36.9 Mb/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
RTV BPK Bosnia and Herzegovina Regional Dasto Semtel Clear 4014 4145 4147 bos  4144  4145    2024-09-28 +
RTV TK Bosnia and Herzegovina General Dasto Semtel Clear 4009 4289 4291 bos  4288  4289    2024-09-28 +
RTV USK Bosnia and Herzegovina General Dasto Semtel Clear 4013 4305 4307 bos  4304  4305    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 1Eutelsat 36D 11674.00VD6EurasiaDVB-S28PSK3200 5/6RUDAW, 7.8 Mb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
Rudaw TV
undefined Various RUDAW Clear 1000 1100 1201 eng
1202 eng
1203 eng
485 com 
500  1100    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 1Eutelsat 36D 11677.67VEurasiaDVB-S28PSK3200 5/6RUDAW, 7.8 Mb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
Rudaw TV
undefined Various RUDAW Clear 1000 1100 1201 eng
1202 eng
1203 eng
485 com 
500  1100    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 7Eutelsat 36D 11650.00VG6EurasiaDVB-SQPSK10000 3/4Global Link, 17.1 Mb/s 411 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Rugby TV Georgia Sport Global Link TrophyAccess 60 261 262 aac  260  261    2024-09-28 +
68.5°E 4Intelsat 20 (IS-20) 4013.00VLM12CCDVB-S28PSK7200 3/4{90DDA122-D72A-44F4-8716-F5971397DE05}, 2.1 kb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
Sandesh News India News Harmonic Clear 400 401 402  400  401    2024-09-22 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11766.00VEA3Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865419 KingOfSat charts update form
SET Africa India General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1909 401 402 eng  400  401  1831  2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 7Eutelsat 36D 11650.00VG6EurasiaDVB-SQPSK10000 3/4Global Link, 17.1 Mb/s 411 KingOfSat charts update form
Setanta Sport Evraziya Ireland Sport Global Link TrophyAccess 20 201 202 aac rus
203 aac eng
204 aac geo
205 aac ukr 
200  201    2024-09-28 +
Setanta Sports 2 United Kingdom Sport Global Link TrophyAccess 30 211 212 aac rus
213 aac eng
214 aac geo
215 aac ukr 
210  211    2024-09-28 +
Setanta Sports 3 United Kingdom Sport Global Link TrophyAccess 40 221 222 aac rus
223 aac eng
224 aac geo
225 aac ukr 
220  221    2024-09-28 +
8.0°W 25Eutelsat 8 West B 11179.00HBEM11MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/6d@)À, 66.6 Mb/s 191841100 KingOfSat charts update form
Shehab TV HD undefined Various Clear 127 1271 1272   1270  1271    2024-09-28 +
13.0°E 1Hot Bird 13F 11785.00H53WideDVB-S28PSK29900 3/4Sky, 65.1 Mb/s 645115300 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Shrek Collection HD Italy Movies Sky Italia VideoGuard 4204 166 413 ita
414 vo 
1007  166  706  2024-09-28 +
68.5°E 4Intelsat 20 (IS-20) 4013.00VLM12CCDVB-S28PSK7200 3/4{90DDA122-D72A-44F4-8716-F5971397DE05}, 2.1 kb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
Shubh Cinema India Movies Harmonic Clear 600 601 602  600  601    2024-09-22 +
Shubh TV India Various Harmonic Clear 200 201 202  200  201    2024-09-22 +
36.0°E 13Eutelsat 36D 11958.00VEA13Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865409 KingOfSat charts update form
SIC Noticias Portugal News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 915 465 467 por  464  465    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12440.00HEA38Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865503 KingOfSat charts update form
Silverbird TV Nigeria General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 22012 545 546  544  545    2024-09-28 +
52.0°E 15TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 11221.00V101EastDVB-SQPSK27500 1/2WNS TP-A01, 27.2 Mb/s 94789478 KingOfSat charts update form

Simaye Azadi Iran National TV United Kingdom Politics WNS Clear 9 901 902 far
900  901    2024-09-28 +
19.2°E 1Astra 1M 11992.50H79Astra 1MDVB-S2QPSK27500 9/10BetaDigital, 49.2 Mb/s 13313 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Sky Cinema Fast & Furious Germany Movies Sky Deutschland VideoGuard 111 255 259 ger
260 eng 
96  255    2024-09-23 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11823.00HEA6Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865408 KingOfSat charts update form
Sky News International
United Kingdom News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 813 561 562 eng  560  561    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 16Eutelsat 36D 11938.00HEA12Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865405 KingOfSat charts update form

SonLife Broadcasting Network United Kingdom Religious Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 513 561 562 eng  560  561    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11766.00VEA3Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865419 KingOfSat charts update form
Sony Max UK India General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1910 513 514 eng  512  513    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 17Eutelsat 36D 11785.00HEA4Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865502 KingOfSat charts update form
Sound City Music Channel Nigeria Music Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 4010 513 514  512  513    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12015.00HEA16Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865403 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Spice United Kingdom Erotic Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 315 593 594 eng  592  593    2024-09-28 +
13.0°E 1Hot Bird 13F 12341.00V82WideDVB-S2QPSK29900 5/6Sky, 49.5 Mb/s 645118200 KingOfSat charts update form
Stand Up Channel Italy Comedy Sky Italia VideoGuard 14533 183 434 ita
435 vo 
1128  183    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11345.00HC7EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 1245 KingOfSat charts update form
Star Crime Adria Serbia Series Overon Irdeto 2 117 2170 2171 eng  7217  2170    2024-09-28 +
Star Life Adria Serbia Series Overon Irdeto 2 116 2160 2161 eng  7216  2160    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12073.00VEA19Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865411 KingOfSat charts update form
Star Life ROA Hong Kong Documentaries Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 2010 513 514 eng  512  513    2024-09-28 +
26.0°E 2Badr 8 12303.00H31NW AfricaDVB-SQPSK27500 5/6ARABSAT, 42.2 Mb/s 7025231 KingOfSat charts update form
Star Plus TV Ghana Ghana General IPVideoTrans Clear 23 3231 3232 eng  323  3231    2024-09-24 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11345.00HC7EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 1245 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Star TV Adria Serbia Entertainment Overon Irdeto 2 115 2150 2151 eng  7215  2150    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11823.00HEA6Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865408 KingOfSat charts update form
StarTimes Naija undefined Various Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 809 401 402 eng  400  401    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11900.00HEA10Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865406 KingOfSat charts update form
STN Somalia General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 611 529 530  528  529    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11766.00VEA3Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865419 KingOfSat charts update form
Studio Universal Africa South Africa Movies Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1902 289 290 eng  288  289    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 5Eutelsat 36D 11996.00VEA15Sub-saharaDVB-S28PSK27500 3/4n/a 87865410 KingOfSat charts update form
Studio Universal HD Africa South Africa Movies Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1005 171 173 eng  170  171    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11900.00HEA10Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865406 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
SuperSport 4 South Africa Sport Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 612 545 546 eng
544  545    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11843.00VEA7Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865418 KingOfSat charts update form
SuperSport 8 Africa South Africa Sport Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1804 321 322 eng  320  321    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11900.00HEA10Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865406 KingOfSat charts update form
SuperSport Blitz South Africa Sport Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 608 385 386 eng  384  385    2024-09-28 +
SuperSport Blitz South Africa Sport Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 615 385 386 eng  592  385    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11843.00VEA7Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865418 KingOfSat charts update form
SuperSport MaXimo 2 South Africa Sport Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1807 369 370 por
371 eng 
368  369    2024-09-28 +
SuperSport Maximo 360 South Africa Sport Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1813 561 562 por
560  561    2024-09-28 +
TBC 1 Tanzania General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1806 353 354  352  353    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 63Eutelsat 36D 11881.00VEA9Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865415 KingOfSat charts update form
TBN Africa South Africa Religious Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 15003 305 306  304  305    2024-09-28 +
34.5°W 6Intelsat 35 11558.00H-EuropeDVB-SQPSK14325 5/6Televisa Networks, 22 Mb/s 12341 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
TeleHit Mexico Music Visat Viaccess 2.5
Viaccess 5.0
3 4144 4145 esp
4146 eng 
304  4144    2024-09-24 +
36.0°E 13Eutelsat 36D 11958.00VEA13Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865409 KingOfSat charts update form
TeleMundo Africa U.S.A. Series Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 908 369 371 eng
372 por 
368  369    2024-09-28 +
34.5°W 6Intelsat 35 11558.00H-EuropeDVB-SQPSK14325 5/6Televisa Networks, 22 Mb/s 12341 KingOfSat charts update form
Telenovelas Mexico Series Visat Viaccess 2.5
Viaccess 5.0
6 4192 4193 esp
4194 eng 
352  4192    2024-09-24 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11823.00HEA6Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865408 KingOfSat charts update form
France Children Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 804 321 322 fra  320  321    2024-09-28 +
TF 1 France General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 812 545 546 fra  544  545    2024-09-28 +
9.0°E 2Eutelsat 9B 11900.00HE10EuropeDVB-S28PSK27500 2/3EUTELSAT 9A, 53.2 Mb/s 1585900 KingOfSat charts update form
TFM Senegal Senegal General GFM Clear 101   1012 fra  1010  1011    2024-09-28 +
8.0°W 25Eutelsat 8 West B 11179.00HBEM11MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/6d@)À, 66.6 Mb/s 191841100 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Thaqalayn TV undefined Religious Clear 103 1031 1032 ara  1030  1031    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 27Eutelsat 36D 12054.00HEA18Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865402 KingOfSat charts update form
The Golf Channel U.S.A. Sport Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 226 385 386 eng  864  385    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 15Eutelsat 36D 11977.00HEA14Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865404 KingOfSat charts update form
The History Channel Africa South Africa History Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 405 337 338 eng  336  337    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11766.00VEA3Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865419 KingOfSat charts update form
TLC Africa South Africa Documentaries Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1904 321 322  320  321    2024-09-28 +
28.2°E 1Astra 2G 11038.00V62EuropeDVB-S28PSK23000 2/3ASTRA, 44.5 Mb/s 22062 KingOfSat charts update form
TLC HD United Kingdom Documentaries Sky Digital VideoGuard 52470 2344 2348 nar
2317 eng 
266  2344  2350  2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 63Eutelsat 36D 11881.00VEA9Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865415 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
TNT Argentina U.S.A. Movies MCK Irdeto 2 15005 337 338 eng  336  337    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 19Eutelsat 36D 11747.00HEA2Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865414 KingOfSat charts update form
Top TV Mozambique Mozambique Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1410 513 514 eng  512  513    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 17Eutelsat 36D 11785.00HEA4Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865502 KingOfSat charts update form
Trace Africa France Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 4003 305 306 fra  304  305    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11766.00VEA3Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865419 KingOfSat charts update form
Trace Jama France Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1906 353 354  352  353    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 17Eutelsat 36D 11785.00HEA4Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865502 KingOfSat charts update form
Trace Mziki France Music Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 4009 401 402  400  401    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 13Eutelsat 36D 11958.00VEA13Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865409 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Trace Toca France Music Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 905 321 323  320  321    2024-09-28 +
28.2°E 1Astra 2F 12285.00V30EuropeDVB-S28PSK27500 2/353.2 Mb/s 22030 KingOfSat charts update form
True Stories HD United Kingdom Movies Sky Digital VideoGuard 6020 521 653 nar
652 eng 
261  521  583  2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 12Eutelsat 36D 11221.00HC1EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 2/358.1 Mb/s 155 KingOfSat charts update form
Turan TV Azerbaidjan General Clear 4802 8021 8022  8020  8021    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 18Eutelsat 36D 11345.00HC7EurasiaDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 1245 KingOfSat charts update form
Turan TV Azerbaidjan General Clear 132 8021 8022  8020  8021    2024-09-28 +
8.0°W 25Eutelsat 8 West B 11179.00HBEM11MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/6d@)À, 66.6 Mb/s 191841100 KingOfSat charts update form
Turkmeneli HD Turkey General Clear 123 1231 1232 eng  1230  1231    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12440.00HEA38Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865503 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
TV 10 Rwanda Rwanda General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 22010 513 514 eng  512  513    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12073.00VEA19Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865411 KingOfSat charts update form
TV 3 Ghana Ghana General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 2009 401 402 eng  400  401    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 15Eutelsat 36D 11977.00HEA14Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865404 KingOfSat charts update form
TV 5 Monde Afrique France General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 404 321 322  320  321    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 13Eutelsat 36D 11958.00VEA13Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865409 KingOfSat charts update form
TV Globo Brazil General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 913 433 435 por  432  433    2024-09-28 +
TV Record Brazil General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 902 273 275 por  272  273    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 5Eutelsat 36D 11996.00VEA15Sub-saharaDVB-S28PSK27500 3/4n/a 87865410 KingOfSat charts update form
TVCine HD Portugal Movies Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1003 142 144 por  140  142    2024-09-28 +
33.0°E 16Eutelsat 33F 11444.00H13HB8 EuropeDVB-S2
T2-MI, PLP 0
8PSK17500 3/4Dasto Semtel, 36.9 Mb/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
TVSA Bosnia and Herzegovina General Dasto Semtel Clear 4008 4113 4115 bos  4112  4113    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12440.00HEA38Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865503 KingOfSat charts update form
UBC TV Uganda General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 22005 337 338 eng  336  337    2024-09-28 +
28.2°E 2Astra 2E 12246.00V28EuropeDVB-S28PSK27500 2/353.2 Mb/s 22028 KingOfSat charts update form
Ultra HD 4K Portugal Presentations Sky Digital VideoGuard 9002 513 643 nar
642 eng
682 eng 
257  513  2307  2024-09-27 +
Ultra HD 4K Portugal Presentations Sky Digital VideoGuard 9821 512 640 nar
641 eng
681 eng 
259  512  2306  2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12073.00VEA19Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865411 KingOfSat charts update form
United TV Ghana General Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 2008 385 386 eng  384  385    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 11766.00VEA3Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865419 KingOfSat charts update form
Universal Channel South Africa South Africa Movies Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 1901 273 274 eng  272  273    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 63Eutelsat 36D 11881.00VEA9Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865415 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Upendo TV Tanzania Entertainment MCK Irdeto 2 15012 545 546  544  545    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12440.00HEA38Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 87865503 KingOfSat charts update form
Wazobia Max Lagos Nigeria Music Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 22001 273 274 eng  272  273    2024-09-28 +
8.0°W 1Eutelsat 8 West B 12685.00HFEM9MENADVB-SQPSK27500 7/844.4 Mb/s 165500 KingOfSat charts update form
Yemen Today Yemen News EUTELSAT Clear 1500 1501 1502  1500  1501    2024-09-22 +
36.0°E 27Eutelsat 36D 12054.00HEA18Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865402 KingOfSat charts update form
Zambezi Magic South Africa Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 214 577 578  576  577  587  2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 26Eutelsat 36D 11919.00VEA11Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 5/6NAN b/s 87865434 KingOfSat charts update form
Zan TV undefined Various Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 3410 201 202 eng  200  201    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 15Eutelsat 36D 11977.00HEA14Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865404 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Zee Cinema United Kingdom Movies Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 412 545 546 eng  544  545    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 14Eutelsat 36D 12015.00HEA16Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865403 KingOfSat charts update form
Zee News India News Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 311 529 530 eng  528  529    2024-09-28 +
36.0°E 10Eutelsat 36D 11862.00HEA8Sub-saharaDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Enterprise DSTV Network, 38 Mb/s 87865407 KingOfSat charts update form
Zee TV Africa India Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 7009 401 402  400  401    2024-09-28 +
Zee World India Entertainment Multichoice Africa Irdeto 2 7011 529 530 eng
528  529    2024-09-28 +
68.5°E 1Intelsat 20 (IS-20) 12562.00H28KEurope/AfricaDVB-S2QPSK30000 5/6ViewMedia, 49.6 Mb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
Zoe Extra undefined Religious ViewMedia Clear 33 819 1075  1331  819    2024-09-24 +

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